El pistolero

El pistolero , #1

Hardcover, 296 pages

Langue : Spanish

Publié par Plaza & Janés Editores, S.A..

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3 étoiles (2 critiques)

Roland de Gilead, uno de los héroes más enigmáticos del autor, debe perseguir al Hombre Negro por el desierto para que le revele los secretos de la Torre Oscura, un edificio mítico que se encuentra en el nexo de todos los universos. Tras correr innumerables peligros, 'el pistolero' comienza a formar el equipo con el que viajará por distintos mundos.

La reedición del primer libro de esta serie supondrá todo un acontecimiento para los incontables fans de Stephen King. Fue editada en un primer momento como La hierba del diablo, pero en su siguiente edición lo hizo como El pistolero. Existe un proyecto para llevar toda la serie de la Torre Oscura al cine y la televisión.

63 editions

Review of 'The Dark Tower I: The Gunslinger' on 'Goodreads'

4 étoiles

I definitely enjoyed this book, but it is also definitely the start of a saga. Throughout the whole novel there's so, so many hints of a larger world, and bursts of rapid-fire world building. The world King is creating is strange and intriguing enough that I want to continue with this series just to see how deep the rabbit hole goes. There are also a fair few Stephen King-isms in here, to be sure, though I'm told not as many as the later entries. Really, it's a matter of how much you can tolerate the particular style. I'm writing this a long time after I read it so I apologize for the vagueness.

reviewed The Dark Tower by Stephen King (The Dark Tower, 1)

I don't get why people like this

2 étoiles

People say this is a good book and series but I can't agree to that. It's just chaotic and doesn't make any sense, the writing seems overly dramatic and "flowery", meaning he describes things so weird, with weird details and weird metaphors. I couldn't even read it to the end and stopped at like 80 or 90%. I have no interest in reading the other novels in the series, it's just not my type of writing I guess. I never liked any Stephen King books until this one and I read a bunch now. It's not getting any better, maybe I should just give up on trying to like his writing.