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H.P. Lovecraft: El horror de Dunwich (Spanish language, 1980, Alianza)

Paperback, 216 pages

Langue : Spanish

Publié 17 avril 1980 par Alianza.

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4 étoiles (1 critique)

La originalidad y la elevada estimación alcanzadas por H. P. Lovecraft (1890-1937) en el género del relato de terror radican en haber trasladado los resortes del género desde un más allá sobrenatural a un mundo de abominaciones cuya plausibilidad respaldan la ciencia, la razón y, en última instancia, deseos y temores ancestrales. De los cuatro cuentos que integran este volumen, El horror de Dunwich y El susurrador en la oscuridad se encuadran dentro del ámbito de los mitos de Cthulhu, mientras que El modelo de Pickman y El extraño corresponden al ciclo de relatos de Nueva Inglaterra.

7 editions

The Dunwich Horror and Others

4 étoiles

In the Vault: A mortuary worker gets his comeuppance for his indifference to death. A claustrophobic escape story. 4/5 The Dunwich Horror: Very moody and full of both magical ritual and library research (yay). The rendering of backwoods speech wore on me since there was so much of it. 4/5 Pickman's Model: Painter creates images of horrible beings feasting on people. Another good example of Lovecraft's ability to gradually unroll a story to create mood and add detail. The change of location works especially well. 3/5 The Music of Erich Zann: Mysterious music from another world! Played to drive away nameless horrors, in a secret part of town that can't be found again! Right up my alley. 5/5 The Thing on the Doorstep: Great. A long story that unfolds well so that you don't feel it's length -- something Lovecraft doesn't always succeed at. You …


  • Spanish: Adult Fiction
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  • Fiction - General
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