Seul sur Mars


Langue : French

Publié 6 juillet 2014 par THRILLER.

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4 étoiles (7 critiques)

Mark Watney a été l un des premiers humains à poser le pied sur Mars. À présent, il est persuadé d être le premier à y mourir. Lorsqu'une tempête de sable mortelle force ses coéquipiers à évacuer la planète, Mark se retrouve seul et sans ressources. Pourtant Mark n est pas prêt à baisser les bras. Ingénieux, habile de ses mains et surtout très têtu, il affronte les problèmes en apparence insurmontables un par un. Isolé et aux abois, parviendra-t-il à survivre en faisant mentir les statistiques ?

53 éditions

Can do

4 étoiles

I went in with the understanding this was a book about a bunch of whatif science problems so enjoyed it. The author did a good job of keeping things moving forward without getting too bogged down in detail. The structure of the story meant the protagonist was maybe the most upbeat superhuman I’ve met so it there was no emotional stakes but that was by design.

a publié une critique de The Martian par Andy Weir

Fun read.

4 étoiles

And probably at least semi realistic? Didn't like it as much as Project Hail Mary by the same author. This sorta read as a sequence of "oh crap, another thing went wrong" problems, followed by solutions. I'm certain this is realistic - or even still overly optimistic, given what they were surviving through - but kinda made for an overly long, repetitive narrative. I suspect this is part of why they cut some of these out of the movie (and to save time, but also it got repetitive). Nevertheless, a fun read if you enjoy sci-fi that sticks close to contemporary science.

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4 étoiles