Leabhar na h'Urnuigh Choitchionn, agus frithealaidh nan sacramaidean

agus riaghailtean agus deasghnathachadh eile na h'Eaglais

690 pages

Langue : Scottish Gaelic

Publié 1881 par An Commun Airson Meudachadh Eolais a Chreideamh Chriosdail.

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Book of rites and prayers for use during worship. Includes Holy Communion and Evening Prayer, weddings (Holy Matrimony), Holy Baptism, funerals, ordinations of deacons, priests and bishops, dedications for churches, prayers for special occasions, and the book of Psalms. Meant for use by the priests with the congregation. The Catechism may also be included.

23 editions


  • Episcopal Church in Scotland -- Liturgy -- Texts.