Giulia Sagramola

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Giulia Sagramola

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Giulia Sagramola is a cartoonist and illustrator from Fabriano (Italy) based in Barcelona. She's the author of graphic novels and children's books, and her work spans various areas of visual communication, including publishing, branding, editorial, animation, and ceramics. Her approach to drawing emphasizes synthesis, simplification of forms, and strong character design, all infused with a touch of humor.

As an illustrator, her clients include The New Yorker, The New York Times, Ferragamo, Feltrinelli, Harrys, OECD, Boden, and many others. She’s the author of the graphic novels Summer Fires (Dark Horse, Bao Publishing) and Bacio a cinque (Topipittori), and the children’s books Un drôle de truc pas drôle (Rouergue), My Banana Dog (Greystone Kids, Les 400 coups).

Her short comics have appeared in magazines like The New Yorker, The Nib, La Revue Dessinée Italia, Rolling Stone, Vice, Courier, Millie, Traveler, Vita, Linus, and Smemoranda.

She won several awards including Bologna Children Bookfair, American Illustration, and a Golden Medal from the Society Of Illustrators, for her self-publishing project Teiera.

She was an artist in residence for a year at the Maison des Auteurs in Angoulême (France). In her free time, she loves drawing dogs, rollerskating, and playing with her dog Pippin.

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