Feines absurdes

Una teoría

Livre broché, 436 pages

Langue : Català

Publié 9 septembre 2019 par Editorial Descontrol.

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4 étoiles (5 critiques)

“El 1930 John Maynard Keynes va predir que a finals de segle la tecnologia hauria avançat fins a tal punt que en països com el Regne Unit o els Estats Units la jornada laboral s’hauria pogut reduir fins a les quinze hores setmanals. […]

Per què la utopia que ens va prometre Keynes no s’ha acabat de materialitzar mai? […] És ben bé com si en algun lloc hi hagués algú que s’anés inventant feines inútils només per tenir-nos ocupats. […] Si algú hagués dissenyat un sistema laboral amb l’objectiu precís de mantenir el poder del capital financer, no se m’acut de quina manera ho hauria pogut fer millor.”

11 éditions

a publié une critique de Trabajos de mierda : Una teoría par David Graeber

Lo que todos sabemos y decimos con la boca chica

Aucune note

Pues para decirlo más y con palabras más ajustadas está este libro, para dinamitar desde la comprensión y el ofrecimiento de alternativas uno de los grandes fantasmas que nos afecta de diferentes formas a todes: el trabajo, sus características y sus efectos en nuestra vida. Me ha parecido uno de esos libros que te abren la percepción, que ponen palabras a sospechas y te hacen conectar circunstancias de tu día a día, darles un sentido global. Obras que nos amplían el horizonte y ayudan a comprender algo del fondo de nuestra angustia. Despierta las ganas de hablar con quienes nos rodean para preguntar si a ellos también les pasa esto que nos corroe. También sorprende cómo desde una forma expresiva más que accesibles es capaz de plantear sus ideas y dejárnoslas ahí candentes, incitantes. Seguiré leyendo a Graeber, eso seguro.

a publié une critique de Bullshit Jobs par David Graeber

A very interesting book about work

4 étoiles

It took me some time to enter into the Bullshit jobs book. At first, it appears as some leftist light essay. The book started when David Graeber wrote a first opinion piece about the fact that a significant percentage of the population is doing work that is useless to society and they know it. This first essay made a lot of noise, and some media made some polls : in UK, more than 35% of people say that they are doing a useless bullshit job. Based on these numbers and lot of testimonies, David Graeber wrote this book to elaborate on this concept. The first chapters appears as quite light : some definitions, some testimonies, some categories of bullshit job. Overall, I wasn't convinced : radically leftist but also pretty light theoretically, not real analysis of what is happening, no stats, everything described in a pretty broad context. But I …

Interesting Critique of the World of Work

4 étoiles

This is an interesting read. It was interesting to me as someone aspiring to not have a job and close to making that happen. The look at "why have jobs?" and "why treat them as so sacred?" really hit home.

I have long said that this reverence for having a job is rooted in Puritanism. Recently I am wondering if it is more deeply internalized capitalist frames. Graeber's viewpoint is that it is some of both, which I found interesting.

This book was a good companion piece to Chokepoint Capitalism

a publié une critique de Bullshit Jobs par David Graeber

A very interesting book about work

4 étoiles

It took me some time to enter into the Bullshit jobs book. At first, it appears as some leftist light essay. The book started when David Graeber wrote a first opinion piece about the fact that a significant percentage of the population is doing work that is useless to society and they know it. This first essay made a lot of noise, and some media made some polls : in UK, more than 35% of people say that they are doing a useless bullshit job. Based on these numbers and lot of testimonies, David Graeber wrote this book to elaborate on this concept. The first chapters appears as quite light : some definitions, some testimonies, some categories of bullshit job. Overall, I wasn't convinced : radically leftist but also pretty light theoretically, not real analysis of what is happening, no stats, everything described in a pretty broad context. But I …