Half the world

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Joe Abercrombie: Half the world (2015, HarperCollins)

484 pages

Langue : English

Publié 19 juin 2015 par HarperCollins.

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5 étoiles (1 critique)

3 éditions

More grimdark YA

5 étoiles

Half The World continues the Shattered Sea trilogy, continuing where Half A King left off. We get two protagonists in this novel. Thorn Bathu, or Hild, as only her mother calls her, wants to be a warrior to go on raids but the Master of Arms is harder on her than on any boy. He sets 3 boys on her as final test, and she accidentally kills one of them, which makes her a murderer. Father Yarvi takes her and fellow outcast Brand under his wing on a diplomatic mission to the south, to the First of Cities, as Gettland needs allies against the High King.

It's an exciting viking-style boat trip down the river, and it is refreshing to see a kickass female warrior who's the brute while Brand is the gentle guy. There's a believable love story, nice locales, an awesome cast of characters. I dug it. Admittedly, …