Paris Marx's Media and Culture list Public

Créée par Bob

List of books on media and culture by Paris Marx

  1. Extremely Online de 

    Aucune note

    For over a decade, Taylor Lorenz has been the authority on internet culture, documenting its far-reaching effects on all corners …

  2. If We Burn de 

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    From 2010 to 2020, more people participated in protests than at any other point in human history. Yet we are …

  3. Extremely Hardcore de 

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    When Elon Musk took over Twitter, commentators were rooting for the visionary behind Tesla and SpaceX to succeed. Here was …

  4. People's Platform de 

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    The Internet has been hailed as an unprecedented democratizing force, a place where all can participate equally. But how true …

  5. Doppelganger de 

    5 étoiles

    What if you woke up one morning and found you’d acquired another self—a double who was almost you and yet …

  6. Distributed Blackness de 

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    From BlackPlanet to #BlackGirlMagic, Distributed Blackness places Blackness at the very center of internet culture. André Brock Jr. claims issues …

  7. Lurking de 

    4 étoiles

    In a shockingly short amount of time, the internet has bound people around the world together and torn us apart …

  8. Circle of the Snake de 

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    Shocked by 9/11, the Great Recession, digital anxiety, and ecological collapse, the West suffers from nostalgia. People everywhere yearn for …

  9. Everything and Less de 

    Aucune note

    Since it was first launched in 1994, Amazon has changed the world of literature. The "Everything Store" has not just …

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