Paperback, 608 pages

Langue : English

Publié 7 septembre 2020 par Orion Publishing Group, Limited.

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4 étoiles (2 critiques)

Sequel to Shadow Captain.

4 éditions

a publié une critique de Bone Silence par Alastair Reynolds (Revenger series)

Sweeping continuation of the Ness sisters' story

4 étoiles

Alistair Reynolds delivers a sweeping continuation of the Ness sisters' story in Bone Silence. Old foes reappear, new allies are made and lots of stunning revelations.

In the acknowledgements Alistair writes that he is setting the Ness sisters aside "for a while". I look forward to reading more about them and/or the Congregation. #Bookstodon

a publié une critique de Bone Silence par Alastair Reynolds (Revenger series)

Expanse meets Kidnapped

4 étoiles

Reynolds fans will be sputtering at the title, since of course the Glitter Band of his own Revelation Space universe is also a good match for "The Congregation", the collection of stations orbiting the old sun that are the setting for all 3 Revenger novels.

This is the third of the series. It is probably readable as a standalone novel, but it would somewhat spoil the other two, as there is essentially one big story arc.

The book is first and foremost an adventure story about two middle-class sisters who run away to become space pirates. There is also musings about deep time and the flow / cycle of history that will be familiar to readers of Revelation Space.

Technologically the setting is a bit steampunkish, with most of the locomotion involving solar sails, and fairly primitive space vehicles. This is interspersed with a variety of artifacts from older/distant civilizations, …