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a publié une critique de Bone Silence par Alastair Reynolds (Revenger series)

Alastair Reynolds: Bone Silence (2020, Orion Publishing Group, Limited) 4 étoiles

Sequel to Shadow Captain.

Sweeping continuation of the Ness sisters' story

4 étoiles

Alistair Reynolds delivers a sweeping continuation of the Ness sisters' story in Bone Silence. Old foes reappear, new allies are made and lots of stunning revelations.

In the acknowledgements Alistair writes that he is setting the Ness sisters aside "for a while". I look forward to reading more about them and/or the Congregation. #Bookstodon

Hello world, time for a new !
I’m a microbiologist ➡️ health wonk in .

Besides work, I enjoy (mostly fiction), language(s), traveling, Star Trek, the occasional Nintendo game, and activism.

In the fediverse I can’t wait to see your cat photos (dogs are ok too), improve my French, and dismantle the patriarchy.

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