An easy to read and solid book about Ebola
4 étoiles
David Quammen wrote a really good book with "Ebola: The Natural and Human History of a Deadly Virus" by managing to make Ebola's discovery and research history interesting through countless anecdotes (both from him and from interviews he did) but also by keeping it grounded in facts and research through really good scientific explanations. it describes the history of Ebola from its discovery in 1976 to the Ebola crisis in 2014 (time at which the book was published), through the different crisis and following closely the different scientific discoveries. After a few chapters, the question to solve is "what is this Ebola reservoir that keep leading to new Ebola's cases?" and it is hard to stop reading until we get a first idea of what it could be. The only regret with this book is that it stops in 2014 and I would have loved to read an updated book in 2022 with what we now know about the virus following the 2013-2015 crisis.