Oh no. I started another book without finishing the previous one(s). But it's good. A bit messy, but good, lots of interesting ideas and points in here. Two chapters in, i hope i can keep the momentum, and then bounce back to Doctorow's The Internet Con, which feels more succinct and clear, but also more restricted in the area it covers. Interesting to read these two side-by-side.
Part of the club of people who buy books but never seem to manage to read them.
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axel veut lire Win Every Argument par Mehdi Hasan
axel a commencé la lecture de New Dark Age par James Bridle
axel veut lire Tomorrow, and Tomorrow, and Tomorrow par Gabrielle Zevin
We got this in the mail , a nice gift from a friend who reviewed it thus: Have read through this twice now. Think you might enjoy it.
That's a pretty strong and intriguing review. Colour me interested!
axel a noté Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles : 5 étoiles
Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles de Kevin Eastman, Tom Waltz, Peter Laird
A New York Times Bestseller! Who is the Last Ronin? In a future, battle-ravaged New York City, a lone surviving …
axel a terminé la lecture de Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles par Kevin Eastman
Great Turtle stuff, dark, brutal and sad, but with a streak of optimism running through that carries the whole story.
In a way, the story is an obvious conclusion to the fun and youthful Turtles of our youth: only one remains, and must stop the evil at hand, that happens to be the grandson of the original Shredder. And take revenge. And maybe redemption and self-forgiveness?
axel a commenté The Internet Con par Cory Doctorow
Just got it and started reading it. The first 25 pages feel like a sharp summary of recent blog posts / articles of Doctorow's, which have been in my opinion some his best prose so far. But maybe more to the point, with fewer clever analogies and witty turns of phrases. Off to a good start.
axel veut lire The Internet Con par Cory Doctorow
The Internet Con de Cory Doctorow
When the tech platforms promised a future of "connection," they were lying. They said their "walled gardens" would keep us …
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La séquence Aardtman de Saul Pandelakis
Dans ce monde futuriste, les humains ne sont plus que quelques millions sur terre et les bots, depuis les lois …
axel a terminé la lecture de The Vital Abyss par James S.A. Corey (The Expanse, #3.5)
axel a noté The Vital Abyss : 4 étoiles
The Vital Abyss de James S.A. Corey (The Expanse, #3.5)
Somewhere in the vast expanse of space, a group of prisoners lives in permanent captivity.
The only company they have …